Friday, May 28, 2010

How to Identify Your Soul Mate With Tarot

Your soul mate will be someone you can share the rest of your life with. A soul mate for you will be your best friend, a passionate lover and a lifelong partner - someone who shares your aspirations, beliefs and destiny.

If you have not met your soul mate yet (and you want a man) and you want to know what he is like, and who to look out for, you can invoke the power of the Tarot to help you.

This is a simple Ritual, incorporating 4 Tarot cards, which will help you with the answers you seek. You should do this exercise only once, so pay attention to the details of the ritual. In particular, wait for the next Full Moon to begin. Although there are an infinite types of personality, your soul mate will broadly fit one of four character types. Armed with this information, you will be able to identify the character type of your soul mate.

You will need a Tarot deck for this ritual. On the evening of the next full Moon, you need to invoke the power of the Tarot to reveal to you the answers you seek.

Take from your Tarot deck the 4 Kings. The King of Cups, Swords, Pentacles (or Discs) and Wands (or Staves).

Hold these four cards in your hands for a minute or so, while at the same time, contemplating the answers you seek. Next, place the four cards near a window, where they will benefit from being bathed in Full Moon light overnight.

During the next day, gently shuffle the cards for a moment or two, while at the same time contemplating the answers you seek.

Turn over the top card. Check below for information on the card that is revealed to you.

King of Cups

The King of Cups is a water sign, possibly a Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces man. This man could be up to 15 years older than you, with fair hair and blue eyes.

If you are looking for a man with a more sensitive side to his nature then the King of Cups is your soul mate.

He's a man who is knowledgeable and he enjoys sharing his thoughts and philosophies with anyone willing to listen. He sincerely cares about others and responds to their needs with compassion - an affectionate person with a gentle touch and a quiet word.

His greatest attribute is his ability to listen, so if this is the card revealed for you, then your soul mate will know how to understand a woman.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is an air sign, possibly a Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. He will be about your age, or possibly 1 or 2 years younger. He will have dark hair and dark brown eyes

He will have a sharp analytical mind, but sometimes he might seem rather detached and although he'll like being surrounded by people, he'll rarely getting close to anyone. This man hates to feel pinned down and commitment is not a word he likes, usually.

He will be quite successful in his career or business, or will have the potential to be so in the future. He is clever at identifying unhelpful or non-productive relationships, projects or ideas, but this makes it difficult to get close. You'll have to do the chasing most of the time.

He is eager for a fulfilling relationship, but does make it hard for people to get close to him. Look for someone who likes his independence, but is torn between that and embarking on a loving relationship.

You'll need to develop your patient listening skills, because your soul mate is bright, witty and talkative.

King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is an earth sign, possibly a Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus man. He is steady, methodical, and reliable. He is tall and dark. He is practical and deliberate and seems to be able to accomplish anything he sets his mind to. He will be 5-10 years older than you, with black or dark hair with dark brown eyes.

Your soul mate will be successful and ambitious. Whether he's firmly established in life already, or on his way up, he's a generous person and isn't shy about sharing the rewards of his success.

Whilst being materially successful is important to him, being secure and stable is equally important. This means that you are searching for someone who is looking for a relationship with commitment.

The man you are looking for is practical and wise, and that will enable him to succeed materially and emotionally. He has an eye for business and might have his own company, large or small. Be prepared for an affectionate person and one that will put up with a great deal before giving up on something, or someone.

This man will be a little shy at first, so you will have to make the initial move. It will be worth it because he'll crave the loving feelings that you will be able to give him. Expect him to find it hard to express feelings and emotions though.

Your soul mate is very passionate, with strong sexual needs, and the relationship will be very intense, and demanding. He'll be a strong tower of strength for you and those he loves.

King of Wands

If your soul mate is represented by the King of Wands, then he'll be born under a fire sign, Sagittarius, Leo or Aries. However, he might just have the qualities associated with these signs. The King of Wands represents the quintessential power of fire.

This man will have a fiery nature and passion, the type that aspires to altruism, idealism, warmth, impulsiveness, and originality. He is most likely to be as much as 10 years older than you. In any event, he will be mature in character, with masculine vigour and potency. Look for a leader, with the determination and reliability that a leader needs.

He will be the kind of person who will sacrifice many of his own needs for others.

This man will be mature in many ways, and a larger than life character, dynamic, lively, and energetic. He has noble ideals and believes that people can, and should, be more than they are. When individuals fall short of his expectations, he is might be intolerant of their failings. Good causes and ideals are more important to him than material things, or even personal relationships, so you will need to accept this.

Your ideal partner will say what he means, so expect someone who pulls no punches. He has a great sense of adventure, but watch out for outbursts of jealousy or impatience too.


You should perform this ritual once only.

Soul Mate searching can be a difficult and traumatic experience for many people, but it should be fun! Get help here, and meet your soul mate soon.

Good luck!

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Love Astrology - Is it Reliable?

Finding a good and a reliable source of information on love astrology can be quite difficult. This is so because not all information about astrology found in the internet and even in books and personal consultations is entirely accurate. And because there is no secured filtering system of information uploaded in the web, it is very hard to find a real love astrology reading. How then can we find reliable astrology predictions?

Astrological predictions are sought by millions and millions of people, for reasons varying from the logical to practical. Daily forecasts, monthly forecasts, yearly forecasts, sun sign readings, moon sign readings, zodiac sign compatibility readings and many different types of forecast tables and columns appear in numerous websites and newspapers every day. These readings are read by millions of people who are looking for reliable astrological predictions for their lives. However, these love astrology forecasts and the likes hardly happen in real life and simply erode the faith of many in astrology.

Here are 3 ways that you can do to make sure that your love astrology readings and horoscopes are accurate and reliable.

1. Avoid birth date based Sun Sign Astrology.

This is a quick fix way of getting astrological predictions popularized by newspapers years back and is now adapted by several websites. You pick your sun sign based on the date and month of your birth (zodiac sign is different in Tropical than that from Sidereal astrology). You then get an astrology forecast based on this sign. Although this is usually a free service in most websites, its results are meaningless. This approach has 12 stereotypes and predictions for all humans. Thus, this is a disservice to astrology admirers and users.

2. Know that each individual has his or her own unique astrological predictions.

Every person is unique and his or her destiny can only be determined from the horoscope based on his own birth date, time, and place of birth. Have a qualified astrologer read through your birth time, date and place. Remember, all love and astrological predictions should only be based on your own unique horoscope.

3. The accuracy of timing of event (like your birth time, date and place) determines the accuracy of the different love and astrological predictions.

Since almost all horoscope, love, and other astrological readings are based on your basic birth information (time, date and place) astrological predictions will only be reliable and accurate if all the information is recorded correctly. If you have any doubts, you can get your horoscope rectified by providing the astrologer your important life events and the corresponding dates. This way, the astrologer will be able to give you a more accurate evaluation report of the future. The more data from the past that you provide, the better and more reliable the predictions will be.

Perhaps you have heard about compatibility chart sun moon or you want to learn more about love astrology. You can check on the links provided for the best resources you can gather.

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Real Psychic Readings and Why It's Not So Easy to Find an Authentic Psychic

A psychic reading is something that can be a very rewarding as well as a valuable experience. It is something that is not so hard to find; you can find them on networks on the web, you can find ads for them in the back of magazines, or promoted on television commercials. They are not hard to find--or are they?

With the immediate availability of psychic readers all over the world, it should be a very simple process to find one. One of the most common ways to find a psychic is to do a search on the internet. You type in real psychic readings or "authentic psychic readings." After all, with the very prevalent perception of all psychics being fake or tricksters, you definitely want to be careful in your search because you want to make sure that you are going to get a real one. Most of us know that intuition exists and there is quite a bit of documentation out there supporting the credibility of gifted persons who are able access energy and see information connected to you clairvoyantly, empathically and in other ways. Some use their natural gifts without any tools while others use their gifts using divination tools such as tarot cards, numerology, runes, I Ching, and list goes on. In short, people with special "spiritual gifts" have the ability to tune into people voluntarily and sometimes involuntarily, giving them access to hidden truths and eventualities about others.

But wait.....hold on....

Let's say you are one who has had many psychic readings. You've gone to so many and you've heard many things that sounded true, things that you hoped would turn out to be true, and you spent a lot of time and money waiting for the predictions you were told would happen, to happen. After talking to so many and being told the same things by so many, and after patiently waiting, nothing ever happens. Why is that?

It is either extremely fortunate that psychic networks are able to find thousands of genuine psychic advisers from all over the world, or, perhaps they have taken the opportunity to take advantage of the fact that many people who are hurting and vulnerable will readily believe that people who symbolize or represent spiritual integrity are authentic. Basically, they say they are psychic, so therefore they must be. Well, no, not true.

The point that I try to bring home to people is that those that represent themselves, and especially through networks (because of the sheer numbers), to be psychic are not necessarily psychic. And you should not have to call hundreds of psychics to find one real one. The reason this topic is so important is that you could spend thousands of dollars only to find yourself disillusioned beyond belief because you came to place to get answers and clarity.


It is important to understand that the widespread perception of what a psychic is, from the seekers point of view in the first place, is that when you call one, they will tell you the "GOOD" that is going to happen in your future. After all, you most likely are calling because you are hurting and feeling in need of something good to happen or are hoping that some new situation will turn out in your favor. This is not "Psychic Reading," this is "Fortune Telling." This is the current paradigm that exists for a large number of psychic services worldwide. The so-called psychic advisers are doing their job as they have been trained to do--tell the caller something good, never tell them anything bad (and the truth is not bad, but we must not assume they even know the truth), make them feel good. This is their job!! Remember that! Their job is to make you, the caller, feel really good. And when this happens, you feel almost intoxicated with the belief in what they have said, and almost readily you accept the scenario and quite often you begin to feed off of it, even if is not true, was never true and will never be true.

So, fortune telling, that's what you're getting from large masses of available psychics waiting to take your call--it's like fast food. Satisfying at first, but oh so bad for you in the long run. Most are trained script readings whose job it is to tell you your good fortune. There are variations of course. Some are better than others and the worse cases I've seen are those who have talent and try to con you into giving them money in exchange for removing negative energy or curses. This is ludicrous. And because of this, there is a prevalent negative perception of psychics in general from skeptics and critics who clump everybody into this fortune telling category. So in order to break away from this stigma, real psychics have a job to do in order to separate them from this unfortunate reality. It is not easy because the few real ones are often working on the same networks and it's like finding a minnow in the sea.


The answer to this problem is, of course, awareness. After you become aware of the truth about this "imitation" psychic paradigm, then your eyes begin to open, the veil is removed and the secret exposed and it begins to lose its power over you. Now you will be more careful in your selection of a psychic adviser and you will tend to not believe everything that is said in a "for-entertainment-only-type psychic reading. Where there are literally thousands of psychics waiting to take your call, there is a slim chance of finding an authentic one who represents the highest professional standard of training and education in the divination arts. Take this advice:

1. Take yourself and your psychic seriously, or, resign yourself to entertainment only status;

2. Avoid networks that do not regulate their requirements for their psychics and search for real psychic readings;"

3. Look for a private psychic consultation;

This is important. Suppose you were looking for a therapist or other professional practitioner. After you found someone, you would not go from this one to that one persistently.

4. Ask yourself, why am I doing this with psychics?

There can be deeper reasons why this behavior can occur, but is it that you "didn't hear what you wanted," or you "weren't convinced, or you "need to hear it over and over?" But, generally, when we find a professional that is good for us, we tend to stick with that person. That is what I have found with my clients. My clients usually are either new to psychic readings or they have already gone through the psychic reading circuit and are ready for authentic answers based in the Truth. Those are the people that find me. I can't tell you how many people call me daily to tell me their stories about their experiences with fake psychics including the most notorious scheme about the curse or negative block that must be removed. This is a despicable scam, but I cover this topic in my article about fake psychics and how to spot them. (See, How To Spot A Fake Psychic-Changing the "Imitation" Psychic Paradigm). Fake psychics are an abundant reality. Understanding this truth is the first step in finding a real psychic counselor.


You have to be discerning, you have to take responsibility for your life and be a part of your spiritual reading because it is your spirit and intuition that is equally at play in a genuine psychic reading. You are part it, not separate from it. A real psychic reading can open you up to spiritual awareness in you that will empower you in your life. A real psychic reading was never intended to be a substitute for you fully engaging in all the aspects of life involving choice and action. Think of life as a school, you are here to learn, to grow and that cannot happen if you are not fully engaged. Never use a psychic as a substitute for life choices because this limits you and we are all limitless beings capable of tremendous achievements. Definitely, there are real psychics who understand their true role in this type of service; but it is service, and the seeker has to be aware of how to use a psychic reading for their benefit which is also the responsibility of the real psychic intuitive in adhering to a high standard. With your awareness, a real psychic reading can work wonders.

Some Helpful Tips for Your Search
When searching on the web for a psychic reading you are now aware of the pitfalls of large networks with no standardized qualifications for their psychic advisers. This puts you the seeker at a disadvantage right off the bat.

Use search terms like real psychic readings, real psychic, authentic psychic readings, real testimonials for psychic readings about the one you are researching. In other words, be conscious about your search.

When evaluating a psychic's site, make sure it's not just a one-pager with no apparent history and just a phone number or buy buttons. If you cannot find out anything about the psychic, don't call them. I've heard a lot of horror stories about some private sites too that are just scammers waiting for you to come along. Do the following when searching for an established private psychic intuitive:

Find out how long their site has been up? You can do this by doing an search for their domain name.
Also, search for their name in the search engines and see what's up.
Check and search for their name and see if there are any negative reports about them.
See, didn't think you'd have so much homework did you? It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. Just Be Conscious and Be Authentic With Yourself. Unless, it's alright with you to get "feel-good" readings, the above tips for finding a real adviser will help you in your search for authentic spiritual counseling.

Cherry Sage owns and operates one of the top quality psychic web sites on the internet today. Her main focus is authenticity, honesty and integrity. One of her missions is to make sure that everyone looking for a real psychic reading or tarot card reading will be able to find certified authenticity and quality service--to change the existing paradigm. You will find not only a reliable and established service, you will find many articles she has authored with detailed information regarding real psychic readings, i.e., what a psychic can tell you, what a real psychic reading actually is, how to spot a fake, psychic dependency and much more. She is devoted and passionate about the Truth in every realm. Her many followers trust in her advice and her accurate predictions. You can read hundreds of inspiring testimonials on her website here: Cherry Sage.

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